
"Happiness is the waves of the sea"

Bi agreed to bring my 3 doggies to East Coast Park last Saturday. The reason over this outing was because Maximus is getting old ...... :'(

Life is never fair. But to be fairer, we brought all of them to the beach! I immediately regretted my actions because bibi was way too excited/active in the car. I literally had a headache.
The kids are excited so are the doggies!

 Snacking time!
Jeremy loves walking Maxi around, he asked me "can Maxi jump?" .__.
 My bibi was trying to scare bibi by going into the water because she was way too much like a boy. Her energy level x100000. Look at her face HAHAHA
Great day at the beach! Thanks bibi for driving us around, sa rang hae yo.

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