Time for bed in my own bed tonight. Needa wakie early to go around 拜年 🐔 Good night 💋

Bi bought me a Stan Smith shoe, yay to our first Adidas white couple shoes ❤️

祝大家🐔年行大运,发大财!最重要的是心情保持秦朗,身体健健康康!恭喜恭喜 🍊🍊

刚刚在阿嬷家吃了团圆饭,再去比比家吃,最后比比送我回家吃。幸好妈妈今年准备的是萨拉,真好吃 😋

So much love and feels for cny ❤️
Chilling at the new sofa with my god'brothers. 
Missing my bibi during bed time, he's still outside 应酬-ing 😌

A day before it's 2017, we had a scrumptious dinner at Tung Lok Classics @ Orchard Parade Hotel with bi's dad and his overseas friends. There are a total of 8 servings for each. 

Lobster salad in dragonfruit | Cod fish | Sharkfin in coconut | Red wine
Foie Gras | Scallop cheese rice | Mixed fruit juice | Grapefruit with ice-cream
P/s: I will remind myself not to eat sharkfin whenever possible in the future for I'm a marine lover and needed to protect the ocean 🌍🐠🐳🐬🐋🦈

My hulky bibi, wishing you good health and good shape in 2017! And may your career prosper even more this year! 💰💰so that I'll get more allowances 😋😋
So elated to be able to plan this mini "carnival" with bi at grandma's house on Cny day 2 😘

Counting down 22 more days to reunion dinner and 24 days to our indoor fiesta!