♥ !

Saw this quiz in some tv programme just now, let's try!:)
When you first step into a hotel room for vacation, what will you do??
1) Unpack your luggage and hang your clothes up in th shelves.
2) Plan your upcoming activities/ schedules.
3) Walk around see see look look.
4) Eat those fruits and snacks provided by th hotel.
This is to test how much you love yourself!! ♥
Revealing :
1) 70%
2) 10%
3) 50%
  4) 100%
So sad to say I fall in th catergory- I love myself only fcuking 10%. I will get so excited and start planning upcoming activities when I first reach th room. Maybe I adore my love ones more than myself? I agree because I rather buy something for them because that will make me happy. Is this called unconditionally love? HAHAH WHAT IS THISSS. Needless to say, I think everyone can see that I love myself too through my damn endless spendings!!
Exams is so near, but I am somehow being distracted by planning Malaysia stay over with bb today. Getting so exciteddddd, I want to spend SGD 5♥♥! SHOPPING SPREE IN 1ST JUNE YAYNESSSS.

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