About me

June Tan ♌ with a complicated mind
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Thank you readers for visiting my site despite I'm having lesser posts recently. Read on and I'll tell you why. Anyway, it is...
I had a rough sleep, woke up numerous times feeling th discomfort in my throat. It's also because I slept too much that noon. Or maybe w...
I still remembered you probably saw my blog and was the only one that texted me asking how am I when my grandpa passed away. That quiet nig...
Hi baby, (know you will get here eventually) I'm not good at expressing myself anymore, just want to let you know I'm happy as lon...
I had a family involvement of something memorable yet unfamiliar. My family and I witnessed the whole process of digging up the dead. In my...
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- Diploma > Bachelor
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- The Vow
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- Last day of our stay, bbq at pasir ris.
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- Just agree with me ,
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- Few days back at cx's~
- I really have problem in deciding what colour sh...
- I don't usually look around at ppl when I'm out,...
- Learning t♥ cherish and appreciate life. W...
- I'm getting myself asus lappie this coming weekend...
- As always, feel like crying whenever th thought of...
- 我好爱我的阿嫲。她说看到我脚上很多的蚊子咬她心痛。她也给我药拿回去 apply. My chine...
- How to love again?? Seems like everyone gonna brea...
- 这不就是我们要的自由 不就是你要的洒脱??
- My white fluffy dog, max.
- When I reached home from sch in th evening, get ch...
- 为什么越爱的人越受伤。 (Hope all characters are correct, ...
- ♥
- this feels like it could be a forever sort of thing.
- I detest this. I have a lesson today at 12:15pm an...
- It's 4am. I just reached home. There's sch tmr...