REST DAY MEANT SHOPPING DAY FOR ME. Town with twinnie and I guess she can't stand how I shop. I don't earn a lot yet I buy everything I like (at first sight). GOD DAMN IT
Finally it's rest day. No matter how hard I want to stay home and replenish my sleep, I will ended up with plans ^-^v Sleepy me is sleepy, good night ~
Miss days in Hong Kong and my lil cutie pie cousin here , ^-^v + ^-^v
Shopping date to jb with qian last thursday. Just by looking at our pictures, I can see how much we have grown, more of mentally. So glad that we are still here for each other. I do not know how to describe our kind of kinship/ friendship ever since we were little, I just know she's part of me. She told me her life was hard, just, try to stay positive. 

#throwback to last week, Eric Lee's last day @ work ~ somehow miss his nonsense already but well .... soon it will be my turn. Mixed feelings ,

Spent my off day chilling and catching up with bb at th airport, surprisingly there are things for us to shop and we spent 5 hours there omg girls are girls. And it's been long since I wore a t-shirt out during an off day, th feeling was soooo great hehe ^-^ 

Found some photos in th app, on 10 jan 15.

Time for bed, good night. 2 off days starts

That day with YG in mbs and town, got my first brown box for mum too . *heart bleeding* on 10 jan 15. I'm so busy on that saturday hehe x 

B'day celebration for twinnie geraldine , #cli9uem on 10 jan 15. 

Congrats and thank you for serving th nation boys , on 10 jan 15.

生日快乐 twinnie, thank you for taking care of me at times.
2015 new year resolutions:

1) exercise frequently 
2) lose weight
3) drink more lemon water 
4) no cabbie as often
5) go to bed earlier 
6) more time with love ones
7) travels 
8) more "me time" to read etc
9) get my car license
Off day on a Sunday feeling relaxed. Had my morning walk at th zoo this morning with my lil sis and spent th rest of my day at home packing my messy room.